søndag 3. mars 2013

The Thin Leaf and Crazy Coffin.

Thin Leaf and Crazy Coffin

TL: Crazy Coffin! Is that you, watching total strangers passing by on this cool day of autumn?

CC: Thin Leaf! Have a seat! Sit down on this laidback parkbench, put together by The Carpenter.

TL: You mean The Carpenter?

CC: I sure do, Leaf.

TL: Long time, no see....that Carpenter. How is he doing these days?

CC: He actually telephoned me last week. He´s in Spokane. He met a woman at some railwaystation. They are going to Porterville, by train.

TL: This is a good bench. I really like this bench, Coffin. I feel very relaxed just sitting down. Talking to you.

CC: Seen any good motion pictures lately, Leaf?

TL: I have. Last night I watched four movies on my television. First one; "This Strange Book Came in My Mail Today" starring Leonard Cooper. Then I leaped to "Seen my Key, Mr. Weatherbee"....a comedy from the late twenties, silent movie. And then, after a decent meal...

CC: Decent meal, huh?

TL: That´s right. Some boiled eggs, an omelettte and a glass of tomato juice.

CC: You like eggs, huh?

TL: I do. I really do. Nice, round eggs with a crazy taste of them open fields.

CC: I like eggs too.

TL: I want mustard on my boiled eggs. Then, after the coffeebreak I went back to my wooden shelf, and picked out the third one.

CC: As I sit here with you, on this lazy bench, I can´t wait hearing about your next choice.

TL: It was that Joseph Mexico movie from 1949; "Is there something wrong with my Stamp, Dear Mailman". Such a great ending.

CC: Crazy ending, Leaf. Crazy ending.

TL: Two airplanes falling madly in love.

CC: I did not know machinery had feelings, but Mister Mexico told us all about it, in that movie.

TL: Well, Mister Mexico I would say, was an genius. The last one from yesterday; "Drive me to Lexington".

CC: Starring Bud Bucky Starwater?

TL: No. Clement Harris!

CC: You don´t say, Thin Leaf?

TL: I sure do. I sure do, Crazy Coffin.

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